How can I initialize a Mass Deletion of PII via Data Privacy API Flow?

Hi Devs,

My request today relates to the data privacy workflow described here: (Slide Erasure REST API Flow).

Assuming we have the Data Privacy record labeled "DELETE" and PII data is to be deleted there and there are already 3,500 leads associated with this record, I have the question of how the information of the leads to be deleted should be set in the "fields_to_erase" field in the Data Privacy Record. It can't be that every data record has to be touched manually. If I do this manually, the following array results in the "fields_to_erase" field:

  "fields_to_erase": {
    "leads": {

Now, however, I would like the deletion process to run according to a fixed pattern without prior selection of the data, i.e. I would like to know in advance which PII is to be deleted. However, if I keep the pattern array, I won't be able to shoot all the information into the field like PU Request, for example.

In your opinion, what options do I have to automatically delete all PII data from the linked leads?

We use SugarCRM ENT Onsite 13.0.3

Thanks for your support.
