Automatic alerts when there has been no meeting for an account

I would like to trigger an email to each KAM when a meeting has not been registered for an account for x amount of days/weeks/months.

In addition to this I would like to be able to take out frequent reports on these accounts.

Is this possible to do?

  • Perhaps you should articulate requirements more clearly 

    E.g. as a KAM I has to have at least one meeting registered (in terms of DateEntered and AssignedTo?) on (which StartDate?) in status (which status? held or planned? or whatever?) related to (Account ? or any Contact/Case/ect related to account?) in X days, where X is calculated from what starting point and for which entity? for the very each Account?

    From solution perspective, clarifying that may allow to calculate  the number of meetings that fall into the criteria for each Account regularly (daily?), and then escalate the Accounts with zero number of such meetings to KAMs - at the time of criteria control

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Perhaps you should articulate requirements more clearly 

    E.g. as a KAM I has to have at least one meeting registered (in terms of DateEntered and AssignedTo?) on (which StartDate?) in status (which status? held or planned? or whatever?) related to (Account ? or any Contact/Case/ect related to account?) in X days, where X is calculated from what starting point and for which entity? for the very each Account?

    From solution perspective, clarifying that may allow to calculate  the number of meetings that fall into the criteria for each Account regularly (daily?), and then escalate the Accounts with zero number of such meetings to KAMs - at the time of criteria control

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Sorry! Let me try to explain

    So each KAM is responsible for several accounts with different relationships and relation status. Depending on status the KAM has a target to meet the account 1-6 times a year (meeting registered) 

    What I would like to do is to set a rule where each KAM receives an alert or an email saying that we need to schedule a meeting for these clients within this month OR an email/alert saying that these accounts are overdue. (no meeting has been registered within the target)