Emailing platform based in Europe and alternative to Mailchimp?

One of our customers has been using Mailchimp + SugarChimp happily for a few years. However, their legal team is worried about the fact that Mailchimp is US-based and that there is currently no aceptable equivalent to the privacy shield. 

Since Sugar Market would be wayyy overkill, I've looked around but could not find a EU-based solution that has a Sugar connector. Well there is Hubspot but that would be a buit risky. I've looked at Sarbacane, Brevo / Sendibnblue and Mailjet, but they all rely on Zapier wich is 1) US-based and 2) priced per call, so not too predictable in terms of costs. 

Developing an integration is of course possible, but would be hardly profitable for a single small customer. Especially including the maintenance. 

What do your small/medium customers use for basic email campaigns? 

Best regards,


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