Outlook Plugin to Sugar Connect

With Microsoft cutting off plug in support it appears we are being forced into a transition to Sugar Connect.  After multiple demos the only difference that Sugar seems to highlight is that it can now be used with the outlook web app, which is worthless to my company.  When i asked the people from Sugar to defend charging for something that is currently free no one was able to, especially with a 20-30% increase in overall cost by adding Sugar Connect.  Has anyone who is currently using Sugar Connect found that it has any value at all? Or are my suspicions that this is just a money grab correct?

  • My problem is they took away an important feature which is naming the email like the plugin does it is not usable for us.  This affects our Workflow.

  • HI Mike

    We moved to SugarConnect in early 2023. we have 86 sales reps and customer service reps located globally. We had the previous version prior to SugarConnect. In our case, Sugar connect has been more consistently stable than the previous app. We archive our emails, track our meetings and use the side panel to create leads, update contacts, opportunities and RLIs  directly in Sugar from outlook which saves our reps time switching between the programs while on small laptop with limited screen real estate. We are also able to pull custom fields into the side panel and update them from the side panel which was not possible in the previous. having the visiblity to all subpanels pertaining to the contact you are communicating with is also a plus. Our reps use the side panel to view the customers web traffic, previous equipment purchases, service events logged, etc all from outlook

    The efficiencies and engagement from the sales staff that we gain capturing communications and managing and viewing Sugar data in one place without having to switch from app to app on a laptop is greater than the cost in our case

    There are items that would greatly help ; would like it to capture the details of the meeting you are syncing in the side panel in outlook, this is a downside as you have to create the meeting in outlook and then again in the side panel for Sugar - double work here

    Also wish the email naming would have stayed but being able to choose where it archives is a plus

  • Hi Mike,

    I share a bit of your frustration and I've also been looking for an Outlook Plug-In replacement.  I understand that the change is due to the Microsoft move to the Office 365 model.  The current Outlook Plug-In may actually break before the June date.

    FYI: Sugar Connect doesn't support the older stand-alone versions of Outlook (2016 / 2019 / 2021) which is installed for many of our users.  Our move to the Office 365 versions won't be completed until late this year.

    P.S. The Sugar Connect product is actually less expensive that the two other products I've tested.  Those other products also don't support the older versions of Outlook :-(

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • I hear you and understand your frustration, Mike. Please know the decision to end support for Outlook Plug-In was a difficult one and was not made lightly by Sugar. There are advantages to using Sugar Connect over the Outlook Plug-In. I would invite you to use the link below to look a post that outlines some of those advantages. Brooke's comment also lays out how Sugar Connect has helped them. One of the biggest advantages I hear from people is the ability to interact with the entire CRM from their inbox. They don't have to bounce over to a web browser to look up a record. They can do it while looking at an email.

     Outlook & Word Plug-ins Will Reach End of Support June 2024 

    Sugar Connect is Sugar's go forward product for calendar and email integration. It's ability to operate across platforms (Outlook, Gmail, desktop, web) and the fact that all users are automatically updated after each deployment (no manual installation, running old versions, etc.) make it easier for Sugar and our customers to support.


    Andrew Blue

    Product Manager - Sugar Connect