Using DocMerge and DocuSign templates simultaneously

We need to generate a merged document in CRM by utilizing the Doc Merge feature within the Quotes module. Subsequently, the intention is to  send this merged document to DocuSign, employing a DocuSign template to incorporate customer details and signatures.

However, we are encountering a challenge where the merged document and the DocuSign template cannot be seamlessly integrated. Initially, we assumed that the DocuSign template would augment the CRM document, eliminating the need to manually add fields like signatures before transmission.

Can anyone validate if this feature is currently supported?

The proposed workflow is outlined as follows:

  1. Generate a merged PDF through a Doc Merge template sourced from the Quotes module. This operates consistently as anticipated.
  2. Create a new envelope within the DocuSign dashlet by clicking the 'Add Document' button and selecting the merged PDF document.
  3. Within the DocuSign dashlet, utilize the 'Use template' button to opt for a template originating from DocuSign developer, featuring fields such as name, date, and signature.
  4. Choose signer recipients and proceed by clicking the 'Select' button, subsequently opening a DocuSign tab in the browser.

Contrary to expectations, the DocuSign template is displayed instead of the merged PDF document from Quotes.