Field Type "Nestedset" in KnowledgeBase

I had a user ask why they couldn't filter the Category Field in the Knowledge Base.  It resulted in me looking into it, and I've discovered things I don't understand.  As I get older, I've found there's been an alarming increase in the number of things I know very little about :-)

Indeed, there is no capability to enable a search on the Category field.  The Category field is set to a field type of "Nestedset", and there's no ability to create a field with that type and my search hasn't yielded any insight.

When creating a new KB record, the Category field is a drop-down, but I can't find which drop-down list is being used, although I must have created the list in 2012 when I implemented Sugar...

Will someone please point me to where I can learn about the Nestedset Field type, and perhaps how I may find the drop-down list the Category field uses?

  • Hi  ,

    While the Category field in Knowledge Base module appears as a dropdown, it is a dynamic collection of categories defined in a sub-module. You can modify the categories by going to the 'View Categories' submenu of the Knowledge Base module:

    You also state that you cannot enable search on the Category field. That field should be available as a filter in the Knowledge Base list though the functionality is not optimal due to a product defect (90705). You need to scroll through the filter section of the screen to select the desired category to filter on:

    If you don't see the Category field in your available list of fields on the KB list view, that may also be a separate defect (79403). It looks like there may be a workaround that Sugar Support can help with for that issue.

    If you are impacted by either issue, I recommend opening a case with Sugar Support so that they can continue to assess the priority of the bugs.


  • Thanks Chris!

    It looks like I may have more issues and I've opened a case with Sugar as you suggested.

    1. Selecting the "View Categories" sub-menu does nothing...

    2. The Category isn't available in the Filter selection so I probably need the work-around (Defect 79403)

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)