SugarCRM Tracker performance


Currently, we are trying to analyze Sugar's performance using the trackers.

The question came up if it is possible to create a report based on the collected tracker information which shows which action is performed by each user in which module and, if it is possible, how long Sugar needs to complete it.

Do others who use Sugar have a similar approach?

Thank you in advance

  • Hi  ,

    Reporting on the tracker module is not going to yield much results as it isn't intended for this type of analysis. Our plugin, Upsert User Adoption, would get you most of what you are looking to achieve you can report on which actions a user took in modules on a given day. You configure which actions (create, read, update, and/or delete) and modules you want to monitor in the plugin and we take care of the rest to provide you analytics moving forward of how your users and teams are getting the most out of Sugar.

    Our plugin does not currently track time to complete the actions in Sugar. If that piece of interest to you, we would be willing to provide a custom version of the plug-in for an additional cost. 

    Contact us through our site if you have any interest in trialing the plugin!
