Blank rows in Doc Merge PDF template

We have a template that used this logic successfully within wDocs. Nevertheless, during the transition to Doc merge, it now fills in all the product lines on the quote. I've wrote a new simple code that only populates the products if they meet specific criteria; however, I'm encountering persistent blank rows that have proven quite challenging to eliminate.
Any suggestions on how to eliminate the blank rows would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance

{#products filter='Accessories'}{ capitalize='true'}  {category_name} {/products}

Fig 1: WDocs code

{#products sort='cattest_c:desc'}
{if cattest_c=='Accessories'} {}
{elseif cattest_c!='Accessories'}

Fig 2:Doc merge new code

Fig 3: Doc merge PDF

Parents Reply
  • Hi  I raised a support case with Sugar and received the feedback below. I added a 3-column page layout between page breaks to the doc merge document template which resolved my issue. 

    "Our developers reviewed this issue and was not able to find a workaround. I suspect the current functionality causes table rows sharing the same relationship collections (related loops) to link to the same sub-rows (lines) in a table row (similar to how line items render on a Quote).

    I went ahead and filed 2 Issues: one outlining the blank rows and another I found when trying to work around the issue:

    One key detail I found was that this issue seemed to be limited to tables sharing the same row. When using collections outside of a table, the blank rows did not render.

    I'm afraid I was not able to find any workarounds to this issue except by not using a table. Perhaps you may be able to find a solution by using a 3 column page layout instead?"

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