In a SQL server I can get a list of our tables by a simple SQL [Select * From Information_Schema.Columns] and it will give me a list of our tables in our database, their columns Names and properties. Is there an equivalent way to get this information in Sugar? via advance reporting or custom SQL?
Ultimately, I am just trying to create a report which includes all our tables (or modules) name, their fields, The field's display names and all their fields' properties. For example :
Table Name | Field Name | Field Display Name | Field Type | Max Size | Full Text Searchable | Calculated Value | Formula | Required Field | Reportable | Drop Down List |
Opportunities | name | Project Name | Name | 255 | Searchable | null | null | Yes | Yes | Null |
Opportunities | inudustry_c | Industry | MultiSelect | null | Null | null | null | null | Yes | industry_list |
Contacts | ticker_symbol | Stock Ticker | TextField | 10 | Disable | null | null | null | Yes | null |
Contacts | retirement_age_c | Retirement Age | Integer | 11 | Disable | null | null | null | Yes | null |
Accounts | last_contacted_date_c | Last Contacted Date | Date | null | null | null | null | null | Yes | null |