How can I create a Report with List of Tables, Fields and Their Properties

In a SQL server I can get a list of our tables by a simple SQL [Select *  From Information_Schema.Columns] and it will give me a list of our tables in our database, their columns Names and properties.  Is there an equivalent way to get this information in Sugar? via advance reporting or custom SQL?

Ultimately, I am just trying to create a report which includes all our tables (or modules) name, their fields, The field's display names and all their fields' properties. For example :

Table Name Field Name Field Display Name Field Type Max Size Full Text Searchable Calculated Value Formula Required Field Reportable Drop Down List
Opportunities name Project Name Name 255 Searchable null null Yes Yes Null
Opportunities inudustry_c Industry MultiSelect null Null null null null Yes industry_list
Contacts ticker_symbol Stock Ticker TextField 10 Disable null null null Yes null
Contacts retirement_age_c Retirement Age Integer 11 Disable null null null Yes null
Accounts last_contacted_date_c Last Contacted Date Date null null null null null Yes null