Email address now javascript

Did this recently change?

In the past we have always, at least I thought, been able to click the email address and it would simply start an email in the users default email application.

And we could right-click on an email address and Copy Email Address.

Either are standard behavior for browsers.

Now, when we click on the email address, it opens a Sugar Email. If I try to copy an email address, it doesn't work because it is javascript.

Is there a setting to turn this off? We don't send emails from Sugar and this causes a lot of extra work.

  • Hi John, can you confirm the value of the Email Client field in your user profile?

    In 13.1, I can still seem to click an email and open it in my default email application if I have that field set to "External Email Client", but it opens a new Sugar email record if I have it set to "Sugar Email Client". This is expected behavior. However, I can't reproduce your issue of not being able to right-click and copy email address. That is working for me in either scenario.

    Does your profile setting align with what you're seeing? If not, there might be something else impacting things.


  • Hi John, can you confirm the value of the Email Client field in your user profile?

    In 13.1, I can still seem to click an email and open it in my default email application if I have that field set to "External Email Client", but it opens a new Sugar email record if I have it set to "Sugar Email Client". This is expected behavior. However, I can't reproduce your issue of not being able to right-click and copy email address. That is working for me in either scenario.

    Does your profile setting align with what you're seeing? If not, there might be something else impacting things.

