How to add edit option on sub-panel listview when it does not display ?

Hi All,

I have this example below we have a relationship between users and Accounts, but as you can see I can only see the unlink button not the edit, does not display on the action either. 

Does anyone knows how to add this action ? 

  • The Users module is restricted to Sugar Admin only, you would not want to open that up to all users.

    Are you trying to manage multiple "assigned users" on one Account?
    If so, I would suggest that instead of adding a simple relationship between Accounts and Users you create a new module, call it "User Assignment" and have a M:M between Users and User Assignments and either a M:M to Accounts (so multiple users can be assigned to multiple Accounts) or some other form of relationship between the User Assignments and the Account to allow you to add User Assignments as a subpanel on Account and manage things from there... the design really depends on your business purpose.


  • The Users module is restricted to Sugar Admin only, you would not want to open that up to all users.

    Are you trying to manage multiple "assigned users" on one Account?
    If so, I would suggest that instead of adding a simple relationship between Accounts and Users you create a new module, call it "User Assignment" and have a M:M between Users and User Assignments and either a M:M to Accounts (so multiple users can be assigned to multiple Accounts) or some other form of relationship between the User Assignments and the Account to allow you to add User Assignments as a subpanel on Account and manage things from there... the design really depends on your business purpose.

