If Users ListView Advanced Search is not loading as expected

Hello everyone,

If you're facing an issue where the search area in the Users module is not loading properly when you try to search for a user, I wanted to provide a solution to help you resolve it.

When you customize the search area for Advanced Search, Studio creates a file at this location: custom/modules/Users/metadata/searchdefs.php.

To restore the search capability, you can follow these steps:

1. Delete the file at ~/custom/modules/Users/metadata/searchdefs.php or move it to ~/custom/modules/Users/metadata/searchdefs.php.DISABLED.
2. Run a Repair and Rebuild.

These actions will restore the search to its default configuration, and you will be able to re-customize it in Studio.

Sugar's Product team is aware of this issue occurring in some instances as a result of upgrades to version 13.0.0, and they have documented it as Issue 92005. If you have access to the support portal, you can review the details of the issue here: portal.sugarondemand.com/

I hope this information helps you resolve the problem. If you encounter this Issue in an instance hosted with SugarCRM, or you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to reach out to SugarCRM Support.

Patrick McQueen
Director, SugarCRM Support