Report times don't match record times

I'm trying to figure out why when I run reports on Meetings or Calls for example, the times in the reports don't reflect the actual time of each record. If a Meeting had a start time of 9am, whenever a report is run to list Meetings the time shows to be 4am (all listing are off by 5 hours). This seems to have changed recently, maybe with an update. The same reports used to show the correct times. All Sugar users are in the same time zone.

  • Hi Kevin, 

    Thanks for reaching out.

    This shouldn't be happening. In my own instance, running 13.0, I cannot replicate this problem. Your screenshot is showing the older version of the Reports module. What version of Sugar are you running? You can go to the "About" option in Sugar (either in the upper right-hand corner or in the sidebar, depending on how old your version is). 

    Knowing the version you are running can help me look for known issues that might apply to your version. Additionally, just for further information, is your instance hosted on the Sugar Cloud or on-site?

    I appreciate you checking this for me. Take care!


  • Hi Kevin, 

    Thanks for reaching out.

    This shouldn't be happening. In my own instance, running 13.0, I cannot replicate this problem. Your screenshot is showing the older version of the Reports module. What version of Sugar are you running? You can go to the "About" option in Sugar (either in the upper right-hand corner or in the sidebar, depending on how old your version is). 

    Knowing the version you are running can help me look for known issues that might apply to your version. Additionally, just for further information, is your instance hosted on the Sugar Cloud or on-site?

    I appreciate you checking this for me. Take care!

