Get instance clone on our subsidiary company

Dear All,

We are planning to start new sugarcrm enterprise latest version project for our subsidiary company, but that new project will have same features and customization as our existing project in our another subsidiary company and hosted on sugar cloud.

Can anyone suggest what is process to get clone of existing project on another subsidiary company entity and then do customization on new one.

Note: We have required less licenses count for our new project and if required in additional licenses in future then we will buy.

Kindest Regards,


  • Hi Shreya,

    Without knowing how an installation might be cloned, I'll tell you that we have four companies with common ownership that share our single Sugar installation.

    The separation of the companies is done using custom field (Company Code), different Teams, and some different Roles. Some of our companies have the same customer and the same contacts so it results in Accounts and Contacts that seem to be duplicates, but are assigned to different users and different teams.  Therefore the archived emails are attached to multiple records when the email address is the same.

    Note that some of the processes I've written over the years have a branch in the logic to direct activities and notices to different users. I have copied other processes and modified them for the other company.

    Having a separate installation may be a better solution for you if the current design and processes can be cloned.  I'm thinking that can be done, but I don't know. 

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Hi ,

    To my knowledge, Sugar does not offer the ability to copy the code from one company's instance to another company's instance. They only offer to restore the code & database within the company that purchased that license. 

    The way I would approach this is:

    1. Download a backup of the current client's instance which contains the files and database
    2. Restore that instance locally
    3. Eliminate all the customer-specific data (accounts, contacts, users, etc.) from the database
    4. Open a support case with Sugar to overwrite your new customer's instance with the the files and shell database you supply

    At that point, Sugar will provide you with instructions to provide them the files and database and you can continue with any additional configuration.
