How to show Email relations in the Task module subpanel?

Hi all,

We have SugarCRM Professional 11.0.4 and we're using Sugar Connect to archive emails in the system.

Once one or more mails are archived under e.g. an Account then we would like to relate one mail with a Task.

We could achieve that using the field Relate to inside the Email or by clicking Link existing record in the Task subpanel below the Email.

Both alternatives works but then we have some problem to retrieve the data we related.

If we navigate to the task, the Notes subpanel is the only one available.

I've tried to create a relationship to show the subpanel inside the Task but the Email module is not available in Studio. Why?

I noticed a another thing: if we archive the Email linked to an Account with Sugar Connect, we see this relation from the Account but not from the Email. Is it a Bug? 

Any idea or suggestion? 
