Sending a scheduled report to non-users

Hey all,

Is there a way to send a report to colleagues NOT being SugarCRM users ? So by simply using their email address ?

Thanks for any info on this,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Chris,

    Thanks again for the feedback. I checked for the group user to be in the default list of my sandbox setup and it is. But still,  it doesn't show up in that build filter list.

    However, I'll have to talk with our IT department since the group users doesn't appear for selection in our QA version (pre Production setup for testing before go live), but those users DO show up in my 'sandbox' setup for developing stuff. For the latter I have full admin rights. In QA I'm only a 'super user'.

    I'll come back to you if I can find out the differences between the two environments...


    Bye now


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