Doc Merge - just stops

Testing out Doc Merge in our V12 production system.  This is the first time experimenting.

We built a small Word doc (DOCX) and loaded in some Account fields (name, address, etc.).  Then ran Doc Merge.  The dialog pops up and the progress bar is about 20% of the way across - and it just stops.  And sits there.  Forever.

We downloaded some of the example templates ( and uploaded it into our site.

Selected to run it against an account and got the same thing...progress bar is 20% and then stops.  Forever. :-) 

There are no messages in the system log.  There are no messages displayed in the UI.  Can't find any information on troubleshooting it.  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!!


  • Here's the reply from SugarCRM support:

    Doc Merge requires access to the instance in order to work properly, as the instance will send requests to Doc Merge, but Doc Merge would send also requests to the instance. For customers that do not want to share their instance with the internet, it is possible to whitelist Doc Merge IPs/Ports, but again that would require a public URL instead of an intranet IP.

    You can find the Doc Merge IPs to whitelist for the region you're using here:

    while the required ports are 80 and/or 443 (TCP protocol).

    And again, for clarification:

    The API requests that Sugar is sending are using the site_url value from the config.php/config_override.php files.
    If the site_url contains an internal IP then Doc Merge will send a reply to the intranet URL/IP which will never reach the customer's instance.
    Thus, in general a change in the site_url will be required either to the external static IP or to a domain that would work both internal and external, but this doesn't mean that the instance will need to be made accessible by everyone on the internet but only to the whitelisted IPs.

    Hope it helps.



  • Hello,

    Experiencing the same here on CLOUD:

    • Sell Advanced Version 13.1.0 (Build 251) (Q3 2023)

    First time ever using DocMerge and for about 3 runs it worked great.

    I then attempted to add a logo (account, file field) and that hung on the next one, and any subsequent ones (with logo now removed from the template).  They hang also for Doc and PDF options. shown below:


    I have deleted the template, added a new one and still it hangs as described/shown above.

     - No downtime on the Document Merge Service
     - Nothing in the error log.

    Q:  I wonder if the hung ones are all still in a queue? In process?  Is there a way to clear them?

    They are cleared from the docmerge widget list, which I read does not stop the merge process:

    Removing a document from the list while a merge is in progress does not stop the merge processing, it only removes it from the list.

    Any thoughts for this DocMerge newbie? (I like what I see though! expcept for the hang!)
    Thank you...

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