DocMerge ifelse

I am creating a docmerge but keep encountering and invalid token, anyone here got any knowledge on why the below is not working?

The dwelling has full {lbl_window_glazing_c} glazing. {if lbl_trickle_vents_c == ”Open”}”There were trickle vents in the window and they were “{lbl_trickle_vents_c}”at the time of the survey.”{elseif lbl_trickle_vents_c == ”Closed”}”There were trickle vents in the window and they were “{lbl_trickle_vents_c}”at the time of the survey.”{else}”There were no trickle vents at the time of the survey.”{endif}

lbl_trickle_vents_c is a dropdown field and I have made sure that it matches the item name and display label of the options(they are both the same to add ease e.g. Item name: Open, Display label: Open).

Everything else on the docmerge is working apart from this area.

  • I have changed the doc to use the below instead and it still is not working

    {if lbl_trickle_vents_c == ‘Open’} “There were trickle vents in the window and they were open at the time of the survey.” {elseif lbl_trickle_vents_c == ‘Closed’} “There were trickle vents in the window and they were closed at the time of the survey.” {else} “There were no trickle vents at the time of the survey.” {endif}

  • I have changed the doc to use the below instead and it still is not working

    {if lbl_trickle_vents_c == ‘Open’} “There were trickle vents in the window and they were open at the time of the survey.” {elseif lbl_trickle_vents_c == ‘Closed’} “There were trickle vents in the window and they were closed at the time of the survey.” {else} “There were no trickle vents at the time of the survey.” {endif}

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