Comment Log-Reporting

Is there any way to pull the information added in the comment logs out of Sugar? I'm not seeing that it is a reportable field, but I want to make sure that we are able to export this data if needed.

Is this a function of the field today? If not, is it on the roadmap?

  • Hi Brianna, 

    So, you kind of can. The information is all in the database, but you'll need to use Advanced Reports and SQL queries to get the data.

    There's a post in our dev club with more information if you're curious: 

    I hope this helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can help with!


  • Hi Brianna,

    I want to proide more detail to the Advanced Report approach Raye presented.

    At a database level, comment logs are treated as a related module to all of the modules you see them in. That is, all comments in all the comment logs across all modules are stored in the same table: commentlog.

    Each row in commentlog is correlated to a parent record through the commentlog_rel table.

    So, let's say you have a Lead with ID 8ad83352-b7c5-11ed-8586-02a5a97c2d5e. The Lead is listed in the commentlog_rel table where record_id = '8ad83352-b7c5-11ed-8586-02a5a97c2d5e' and module = 'Leads' and deleted = 0.

    To retrieve a list of the commentlog entries for that one Lead record in chronological order from oldest to newest, you could use a custom query like this:

    SELECT cl.date_entered, cl.created_by, cl.entry FROM commentlog cl
    JOIN commentlog_rel clr ON = clr.commentlog_id
    WHERE clr.record_id = '8ad83352-b7c5-11ed-8586-02a5a97c2d5e' and clr.module = 'Leads' and clr.deleted = 0 AND cl.deleted = 0 ORDER BY cl.date_entered ASC;

    If you want that same kind of result but for every record in the leads module, you could use something like:

    SELECT clr.record_id, cl.date_entered, cl.created_by, cl.entry FROM commentlog cl
    JOIN commentlog_rel clr ON = clr.commentlog_id
    WHERE clr.module = 'Leads' and clr.deleted = 0 AND cl.deleted = 0 ORDER BY clr.record_id ASC;

    If you want to just get a full export of all the comments in the entire instance and the records and module each is related to, you could use a query like this (but be warned that an unfiltered query like this can produce a lot of results, take a long time, or even time out):

    SELECT clr.module, clr.record_id, cl.date_entered, cl.created_by, cl.entry FROM commentlog cl
    JOIN commentlog_rel clr ON = clr.commentlog_id
    WHERE clr.deleted = 0 AND cl.deleted = 0 ORDER BY clr.record_id ASC;

    I hope this helps!

    Patrick McQueen
    Director, SugarCRM Support