How can a regular user add to or edit a drop down list in enterprise

Is there any way for a regular user to add to or edit a drop down list?

Thank you


  • Hi ,

    The only way regular users have access to modify dropdown lists is to give them Developer-level role access on at least 1 module. Doing so will expose the Dropdown Editor and some other features in the admin menu, so please ensure you want them to have this level of access:

    Editing dropdown lists is something I consider to be a disruptive operation so I strongly recommend that these types of changes are only performed during off hours or maintenance windows. The reason being is that a single dropdown list can be used in multiple modules, so when the dropdown list is modified in any way, that triggers a full rebuild of the system cache to update the list. Doing this during business hours can cause user logouts or temporary errors resulting in them having to redo work they were in process of completing.

    All this is to say is that if you have users trusted with the developer role access, please be sure they are also educated on when you want those types of changes to be made to avoid business day disruptions.


  • Hi ,

    The only way regular users have access to modify dropdown lists is to give them Developer-level role access on at least 1 module. Doing so will expose the Dropdown Editor and some other features in the admin menu, so please ensure you want them to have this level of access:

    Editing dropdown lists is something I consider to be a disruptive operation so I strongly recommend that these types of changes are only performed during off hours or maintenance windows. The reason being is that a single dropdown list can be used in multiple modules, so when the dropdown list is modified in any way, that triggers a full rebuild of the system cache to update the list. Doing this during business hours can cause user logouts or temporary errors resulting in them having to redo work they were in process of completing.

    All this is to say is that if you have users trusted with the developer role access, please be sure they are also educated on when you want those types of changes to be made to avoid business day disruptions.


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