Integration with Data Services


we need to integrate SugarCRM with several other systems (SAP is one of them).

Is there anyone who used Data Services for this?



  • Hi Omar,

    Thank you for asking this question here.

    Are you looking to write completely new and custom integrations? Or, do you have any interest in reviewing integrations that already exist that might meet your business needs?

    Could a partner who specializes in integrating with Sugar interest you in their creations or services?

    Are you committed to strictly Data Services integrations, or would you be open to review integrations made through other methods?

    Would you be open to further describe some of the integrations you are looking to have and systems you are looking to integrate with?

    The more detailed you are about your need and open you are to the various ways that need might be met can hopefully help invite more creative and diverse responses to your post.

    I hope this is helpful.

    Patrick McQueen
    Director, SugarCRM Support

  • Hi Patrick,

    we internally have the skills to develop integrations, and we are using SAP Data Services.

    We are moving from an on-premise setup, with integrations done with Talend etl, to a cloud setup where we want to develop the integrations ourselves with SAP Data Services.

    When we try to configure Data Services to communicate with Sugar, we are required to provide a WADL file, but the API being REST are not foreseeing the use of WADL file.

    We are looking for others who used SAP Data Services to connect to Sugar.


  • Hi Patrick,

    we internally have the skills to develop integrations, and we are using SAP Data Services.

    We are moving from an on-premise setup, with integrations done with Talend etl, to a cloud setup where we want to develop the integrations ourselves with SAP Data Services.

    When we try to configure Data Services to communicate with Sugar, we are required to provide a WADL file, but the API being REST are not foreseeing the use of WADL file.

    We are looking for others who used SAP Data Services to connect to Sugar.


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