Export/Copy List of Fields and Translations


We work with approx 6-8 different languages in our Cloud Sell instance and we have a number of custom fields.  How can you get a copy or even better an export of the field list with the translation column so any missing translations can be quickly identified for each language and submitted for translation which might be with our users or translation services.

I have tried the copy paste method, but the translation column seems to paste as an image and in some instances can't even be highlighted to Copy :(

An export report from the Studio Module Field list would be really useful Slight smile



  • Hi

    Likely not the answer you are looking for but, you can find a complete list of all the labels in the mod_strings array in the module's language files in the cache folder. For example for the Account Module, english US:


    contains all the labels for the Accounts module (custom and out of the box) in english US.

    I assume you have a local copy where you test your changes so that should be a place where you can get to the cache files.

    I believe you will see all other enabled languages in the cache folder  as well (I don't know for sure since we work in US english only).

    With a little work, you can write a php script that, module by module, takes each of those files and compares the keys in that language file to those in your base language file which should be complete.
    The function array_diff_key should do that for you rather easily: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-diff-key.php

    That would give you a list of keys to work off of.

    It's a bit laborious to set up but you could then run the script regularly to check that nothing is missing and send off the lists to whomever needs to work on translating and adding those labels.

    Hope this gives you some ideas.

  • Hi

    Likely not the answer you are looking for but, you can find a complete list of all the labels in the mod_strings array in the module's language files in the cache folder. For example for the Account Module, english US:


    contains all the labels for the Accounts module (custom and out of the box) in english US.

    I assume you have a local copy where you test your changes so that should be a place where you can get to the cache files.

    I believe you will see all other enabled languages in the cache folder  as well (I don't know for sure since we work in US english only).

    With a little work, you can write a php script that, module by module, takes each of those files and compares the keys in that language file to those in your base language file which should be complete.
    The function array_diff_key should do that for you rather easily: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-diff-key.php

    That would give you a list of keys to work off of.

    It's a bit laborious to set up but you could then run the script regularly to check that nothing is missing and send off the lists to whomever needs to work on translating and adding those labels.

    Hope this gives you some ideas.

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