Target Lists

I'm not sure if we're properly using Target Lists, but essentially we are uploading ZoomInfo Leads into Target Lists as Contacts. We then want to add them to a Campaign, and trigger a BPM to start an email/call sequence.

I can't get the Process Definition to Start. I tried defining that if the Campaign Name matches and Contacts are added, to first send an email. What is wrong with this process?

  • Hi ,

    I don't think there is anything wrong with your process. You appear to be hitting a defect with how relationship change events are processed on the Campaigns module. I reproduced the same issue as you trying start events of 'Contacts Added' or 'Leads Added'. 

    One thing to note is that even if this start event worked as you designed, any subsequent emails created by the process would not be represented in the campaign in any way. I think there are some challenges in approaching this solution from the Campaign module with SugarBPM. For instance, I don't think there would be a way to create anything beyond an initial email and maybe a call record depending on your business requirements. Given there won't be any ability to track campaign-level outcomes with SugarBPM anyways, I think it will be better to consider driving the BPM definition from the Contacts module where each module goes through the complete journey of emails and/or calls as you intend. 
