How to restrict users from the ability to create records in modules

Hi all

I am trying to edit a Role type "General User" to no longer allow the users to create new records within the payment schedule module. Is this possible from the Role Management in studio?

Many thanks


  • Hi Jaymie,

    Yes, This can be done with Role Management in SugarCRM.

    Please follow the below steps to do this.

    1. Login as Admin User and Go to Admin > Role Management.
    2. Edit the role you want to restrict and make sure all the required users are part of this role for whom you want to apply the restrictions.
    3. Navigate to the module you want to restrict.
    4. Set the "Create" field to "None".
    5. Save the role changes and this should work.

    To know more information about this, please go through this link. In this link you will get complete end to end instructions on how to use Role Management and its features in SugarCRM. Hope this informations helps you :)

    Thanks and Best Regards,


    Senior Solution Engineer,

  • Hi ,

    The ability to restrict record creation is grouped with the ability to edit records in Sugar's role management. If you want to restrict record creation but allow record editing, that is currently not possible without customization. If you are okay with restricting both record creation and editing, then you will want to set the 'Edit' property for that module to 'None' in the desired role definition.
