Login Background Image and Favicon after Update to 12.0.1


after updating to version 12.0.1 it is no longer possible to use our customized login image. Until now, we had a file called "generic-banner.png" under /include/MarketingExtras/StaticMarketingContent/images to display our custom login image. After the update this does not work anymore. Even if I convert the corresponding file to a .svg file, nothing is displayed here anymore. We don't want to display sugar content, we want to call a static login page.

In addition, it is no longer possible to customize the favicon. We have used our own icon so far and stored this under /custom/themes/default/images as "sugar_icon.ico". However, this file is now no longer attracted, instead the Sugar Cube is displayed as the favicon in the browser tab.

How can we reuse the previous customizations? Any ideas?

Thanx for your ideas.

Kind reagrds from Berlin.

Martin Neitzke

  • We found it.
    Ist was an error under /custom/include/MarketingExtras/StaticMarketingContent/static.html where we modified that file an the following part was missing:

      window.onload = function() {
        // Remove the element that's hiding the marketing content iframe after it's finished loading
        let hideMarketingContentDiv = window.parent.document.getElementById('hide-marketing-content-loading');
        if (hideMarketingContentDiv) {

    Everything works fine now.

  • We found it.
    Ist was an error under /custom/include/MarketingExtras/StaticMarketingContent/static.html where we modified that file an the following part was missing:

      window.onload = function() {
        // Remove the element that's hiding the marketing content iframe after it's finished loading
        let hideMarketingContentDiv = window.parent.document.getElementById('hide-marketing-content-loading');
        if (hideMarketingContentDiv) {

    Everything works fine now.

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