How to Trigger a Contact and Account Updates when Email is Archived

I posted a question a few days ago about updating "Last Call" and "Last Email" fields that use the "maxRelatedDate" in Contact and Account records.  Chris Raffle suggested it may have been a setting in the Config file, but as it works out, that wasn't the problem.

After many hours of investigation and testing, I have FINALLY sorted out the issue.

The "Last Call with Contact" field in the Contacts Module, and the "Last Call with Account" field in the Accounts Module are automatically updated because the creation of a Call Record triggers an update of the Contact and Account records (as Chris Raffle pointed out).

Unfortunately, the Archiving of an Email (with the BCC to the Email Archiving address) doesn't trigger a record update!  Therefore the "Last Email with ___" field doesn't  get updated :-(

I've been trying to create a process that would trigger a Contact or Account update when an Email is archived without success. I spent time this weekend doing mass no-op updates of Contact and Account records to update the Last Email field, but I'd like to find a way to automate the updates.

Any ideas or suggestions of things I should try?

  • Update on the package installation.

    It's been an interesting 12 days since the installation was successful.  The package started populating the new fields, and I selected the option on the Admin page to "populate missing dates".  Many of the account and contact records were updated, but it was disturbing that there were thousands of account and contact records that were not updated.  Worse, the "Last Activity" field was sometimes not updated even though there was a date in the Last Email or Last Call field.

    I created simple reports for accounts and contacts that filtered records where my manually created field had a date for the "Last Email with ____" and the Last Email field from the add-on was empty.  There are thousands of records it those reports.

    I've been in communication with the add-on developers support team in the UK.  With the holidays there hasn't been very much activity.  My trial period expires in a couple of weeks and it's likely I'll abandon the project before that date if there's no resolution.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Update on the package installation.

    It's been an interesting 12 days since the installation was successful.  The package started populating the new fields, and I selected the option on the Admin page to "populate missing dates".  Many of the account and contact records were updated, but it was disturbing that there were thousands of account and contact records that were not updated.  Worse, the "Last Activity" field was sometimes not updated even though there was a date in the Last Email or Last Call field.

    I created simple reports for accounts and contacts that filtered records where my manually created field had a date for the "Last Email with ____" and the Last Email field from the add-on was empty.  There are thousands of records it those reports.

    I've been in communication with the add-on developers support team in the UK.  With the holidays there hasn't been very much activity.  My trial period expires in a couple of weeks and it's likely I'll abandon the project before that date if there's no resolution.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

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