Process automation - outreach status


I wanted to introduce an automation for some fields in Leads. We have an Outreach Status field (required, in process, engaged) and I was hoping to get it to change based on the following requirements: 

1. To move from required to in process when an Email has been synced to that lead and the email is sent by lead owner

2. to move from in process to engaged when a prospect replies. 


1. To move from required to in process when a new Note / Tasks is added as "LinkedIn Outreach"

Are any of these possible to build in Process Definition? I think that the second one is doable, I am more concerned about the Emails. 

  • Hi ,

    Your intuitions are correct. For the second use case, you would create two process definitions: one each for the Tasks module and the Notes modules. When the record is created in either module with the appropriate criteria, then the related lead is update. The definition would look like the following:

    I put a gateway before the action to update the related field on the lead record to ensure it only updates leads where the outreach status is 'Required'.

    With regards to your first use case, I'm not aware of any way this can be achieved in SugarBPM currently. Evaluating email senders and recipients dynamically to handle business logic is something we have always handled via logic hooks for our clients. You may also want to account for automatic replies (e.g. out of office, mailbox full, etc.) to avoid leads advancing through your business logic unexpectedly.


  • Hi Chris, 

    Thanks for that. I created something like this: 

    Basically, for new and existing records I want a task to be created and fields to be updated. The only condition that I am missing (between Change fields and Action #1 is a condition that If Field changed from A to B (manually updated by user), then Action 1 - change other fields. 

    Do you know how to add this if condition when somebody is changing a field from A to B?

    For Emails - logic hoops are a bigger thing, I thought to explore the "receive the message" on BPM, but I am not sure if this would work. 


  • Hi ,

    I have a few questions to better understand your use case:

    • Is this process definition on the Leads module? It not, what is the starting module?
    • Is the target field for triggering Action 1 on the target module of the process definition or a related module?
    • At what point do you expect the user to make this change? Is it something that could happen over a time span or is it in sequence with other events?


  • Hi

    Sure, my replies are below

    • Is this process definition on the Leads module? It not, what is the starting module? - Yes, Leads is the starting module. 
    • Is the target field for triggering Action 1 on the target module of the process definition or a related module? - for Action 1 I would like an existing task status to change from In Progress to Complete if a user changes lead status from In Progress to Engaged
    • At what point do you expect the user to make this change? Is it something that could happen over a time span or is it in sequence with other events? - the user will change the lead status once they have a reply from a lead. 

    Is it possible to achieve?

    Thanks :) 

  • Hi ,

    Based on your requirements, it seems like a separate process definition would be better since you are looking for a specific change event (lead status changing from 'In Process' to 'Engaged' to trigger the task update. The start event would look like this (replace 'Converted' with 'Engaged'):

    I assume you don't want to update all related tasks on the lead to completed. As long as you can reliably filter on the related tasks (e.g. a task type dropdown or specific text in a field like task subject), then you would set the action up like the following to mark the status 'Completed':

    Your final process definition would look something like the following: