Searching for records assigned to more than one team

We have two teams using a contact database (enterprise version 11.0.3.) Each contact record is either assigned to team 1 or team 2. 

There are a few contact records however that are assigned to both teams.  We don't use the 'global' team option, just 'team 1' and 'team 2'. 

But I can't seem to find a way of searching for those records that are assigned to both teams. List view only seems to search for 'primary team' and similarly, reports only allows me to search for 'primary team name'.  

Is there any way I can search for contacts who have a 'secondary team' assigned to them?  What am I doing wrong?

  • Hi Nigel,

    I've had the same issue where a secondary team is attached to a record, and I wanted to "clear it".  Unfortunately, one can't search or filter a secondary Team Name.  In my case it's where a Private Team (user) remains attached to a record after a reassignment 

    The way I've addressed it is to Export the records, remove the secondary team, and import the records.

    P.S. Since the limitation of an export is 1,000 records, I've sometimes resorted to a creating a report with the necessary fields and did the export there.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Hi ,
    Hi ,

    I think the most affecting issue here is that the term "team" is inaccurate and does not really point out team settings are for record visibility but not displaying assignments or team memberships at all (looking for the new calendar where I can only select calendars from teams I'm a member of -.-)

    To solve this I introduced something I call "Assigned Subsidary"

    This is how it works:

    1. Create a dropdown field on users where you can select the users subsidary or division

    2. Set up the same dropdown on accounts, contacts or wherever you need it.

    3.(a) Set up SugarBPM that are setting the "Assigned subsidary" dropdown on the target records according to the setting of the user who creates the record. You need to include a business rule that maps the list entries like

    The BPM looks like this but can adittionally add the primary team in a "change field" action

    3.(b) If a user can only see the records from its own subsidary, you can make the target modules list items visible depending from the user profiles selection, so the only visible item is preset and you can ignore the BPM and busines rule.

    This way te teams will be set automatically and filtering based on the list is accurate.

    Hope that helps!

    *edit: Sorry to Nigel Clark who was highlighted initially ;-)


    Björn Canales Pfisterer

    Technical Support Manager

    provalida GmbH



    support ( at )