I was wondering if anyone has a library of example templates for DocMerge?


I'm specifically looking for quote examples that include Product Grouping and ordering. I think it'd be great to have a library of sample documents to share with customers to help get them started. 


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  • Hi ,

    samples are nice but, for the QUOTE module, there is no sample that handle it correctly in my opinion

    • the order of the bundle is not rendered (even more with products "outside" a named bundle (so in the core bundle)
    • the comment are not displayed
    • if a custom product is entered, the template is looking for the product name (so empty in that case)
    • the size of the header row is to big

    also, it would be nice to get sample that helps us to understand how we can avoid an array to be split between 2 pages etc. (even if this is probably more a Word behavior, that would be nice for anybody to get an accurate template they can reproduce).
