Redis as session handler

I know Redis can be used as php session handler, but because Redis does not lock session I am afraid it might produce intermittent errors and strange behavior of Sugar. It is for big sugar client which users very often use a lot of open tabs while working with sugar.

I can not find answer anywhere in Sugar documentation, and sugar support didn't answer this on cases portal, so asking here for official answer: Is it safe to use Redis as php session handler with Sugar 11?

I am hoping I will get an answer from some of sugar employees. Thank you.

  • Hi Krunoslav,

    Answering your question: Is it safe? Yes, pretty safe. We have been using Redis in our Cloud and internal systems for this purpose for over 5 years and haven't experienced any issues related to racing conditions.

    Technically speaking, Sugar's requests are explicitely executing session_write_close(), meaning that the app writes almost nothing to the sessions during the request processing. It only does this in the very beginning of the request.

    As for multiple tabs, Sugar does share the same token across forms for the current user.

    Hopefully this helps with your concerns. If you experience issues, please let us know and we will make sure they are addressed properly.

    SugarCRM | Principal Developer Advocate