Make a module read-only except for one field

I think I know the answer to this one....but asking on the chance that someone has a snazzy shortcut or answer.

On the Account module, we have a "critical customer" field that anyone in the organization can check and it causes a message to immediately go to the entire company.

For most roles in Sugar, we want to secure the Accounts module to read-only for most roles except for that one field. 

I tried securing the module by setting edit to "none" and setting that one field to "read/write".  

As I expected, the module-level security overrode the individual field.

I realize I can set the module to allow editing and then lock down every individual field except that one field....but is there a better/easier way?  

I appreciate any thoughts/input!


Parents Reply
  • Okay, there is an option to configure a before_save validation that accepts the change of one particular field only and does not allow to save the record if any other field is changed.

    BTW, the validation could be respected by both UI and API - it is possible with Logic Builder configuring tool and would take 15 min to draw solution

    However, using out of the box security model for the case articulated seems the best solution, even if setting fields readonly may take 30 min, IMHO 

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient
