HTTPS request for endpoint

The sugarCRM is hosted on http along with that custom API is expose.
And when we are trying to access the exposed endpoint from different application which is hosted in https.
Does it create a problem ?

Parents Reply
  • Hi

    Below is my URI and and request structure

    URI : http://{{URL}}/sugarcrm/rest/v10/Ord_Orders/UpdateOrderMethod

    JSON Request :

      "o_id": "53",
      "custAccount": "C59"

    Register API Function :

    public function registerApiRest()
            return array(
                'MyGetEndpoint' => array(
                    //request type
                    'reqType' => 'PUT',
                    //set authentication
                    'noLoginRequired' => false,
                    //endpoint path
                    'path' => array('Ord_Orders','UpdateOrderMethod'),
                    //endpoint variables
                    'pathVars' => array('', ''),
                    //method to call
                    'method' => 'UpdateOrderMethod',
                    //short help string to be displayed in the help documentation
                    'shortHelp' => 'updating an order in SugarCRM',
                    //long help to be displayed in the help documentation
                    'longHelp' => 'custom/modules/Ord_Orders/clients/base/api/help/UpdateOrder.html',
