Report export to csv currencies

Hi there,

Working in a global environment, I often need to export reports holding currency values.

Once in the .csv file I find "AUD1,234.15" for example.

When imported in Excel, this becomes a 'General' formatted field , which acts like a string.

So sorting as numericals is not possible.

Is there a way (during export out of Sugar, or import in Excel) to have these values as currencies in Excel ?

Thanks for your help,



  • Here is an Excel hint: if you change the file extension from *.csv to *.txt , then run Excel and try to open the txt file in it, the converter will ask you for each column format.

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Hi D,

    I tried that tip , but it doesn't seem to work as expected. Renaming to .txt and then open it via the Data menu from Excel allows me to change the field type , but if I change the original type to Currency or Decimal number , all values that are not net in my systems default currency, return an 'error'. 

    By the way , in my O365 setup when loading a .txt file , it gets sent to teh Power Query Editor.

    I keep on looking ;-)

    Bye now


  • Hi Hugo,

    Ah, I see - there are many different currencies...

    Excel can hardly recognize such a variety during the import and have Currency type set for each cell correctly - at least without ad-hoc Excel macro.

    I could suggest creating 2 calculated fields in Sugar - one for getting the field numeric value and another for getting the currency code - just like you've asked in another post, - and let Sugar export them separately.

    It won't create currency cells in Excel, but you'll be able to sort numeric values and distinguish them by currency code at the same time - e.g. sort in Excel by currency symbols than by numeric amount.

    Could it work?

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient