What are the steps to generate schedule a report and send exported (csv) results to specific email ids?
What are the steps to generate schedule a report and send exported (csv) results to specific email ids?
It depends on the version of sugar you are running. On Professional, for example, each user has to go to the report and schedule it for themselves. In Enterprise/Ultimate, as of v9 I believe, you can add multiple users to a scheduled report.
See if this helps (Note that the link is for Enterprise v10.2) you may need to change version if you are running something different:
To schedule and send as CSV you'll need to use Advanced Reports, only not available in Pro version
CRM Business Consultant
You can also create a custom scheduler, that runs a SugarQuery, generates and output and emails it as a csv attachment.
There ia a fair amount of coding involved, and you would have to code it so it emails by exact email address, by a User's Team (email everyone in a given team) or some other similar criteria.
For example, I have a daily report that runs to report any errors in our Sync with ERP
I created a custom scheduler job that queries some data, gets each result as a row and puts the results in a csv with headers which is then attached to an email and sent
array_push($job_strings, 'accountSyncErrorReporting');
function accountSyncErrorReporting(){
global $db;
$send = false; //send only if there is something to report
$query = "select * from ora_sugar_accounts_stg where comments is not null and integration_status = ?";
$conn = $db->getConnection();
$stmt = $conn->executeQuery($query, array('sync_failed'));
$headers = array();
//the csv goes in a temp directory we have in our sugar cache directory
//create csv attachment with results
$filename = 'AccountSyncErrorReport_'.date("Ymd").'.csv';
$file = sugar_cached('temp/').$filename;
$fp = sugar_fopen($file, 'w');
//start creating the attachment
header("Content-Type: text/csv");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");
foreach($stmt->fetchAll() as $row){
$send = true; //we have results
//format results
$headers = array_keys($row);
fputcsv($fp, $headers);
fputcsv($fp, array_values($row),',','"');
$to_email_addresses = array(<a list of email addresses is added here>);
$subject = "SugarCRM warning: Accounts Failed Oracle Sync";
$From = '<the from address I want to send this as>';
$FromName = 'SugarCRM Notice';
$email_body =<<<BODY
Please find attached the accounts that failed to sync from Oracle today
if($send) sendGroupEmail($to_email_addresses, $From, $FromName, $subject, $email_body, array(), $file);
return true;
return true;
The send Email code quite old and probably could use a revision and improvements but you know how it goes, if it works, you never have the time to go back and make it better... ;)
//Function to send Email message
function sendGroupEmail($ToEmailAdd, $FromEmailAdd, $FromEmailName, $EmailSubject, $EmailBody, $CcEmailAdd = array(), $attach='') {
global $sugar_config;
$To = array();
$Cc = array();
$To = $ToEmailAdd;
$To = explode(';',$ToEmailAdd);
$Cc = $CcEmailAdd;
$Cc = explode(';',$CcEmailAdd);
$phpMailer = MailerFactory::getSystemDefaultMailer();
$mailTransmissionProtocol = $phpMailer->getMailTransmissionProtocol();
$FromEmailIdentity = new EmailIdentity($FromEmailAdd, $FromEmailName);
$headers = new EmailHeaders();
$header_array = array(
'Sender'=>$FromEmailIdentity, //mandatory
foreach($To as $to_addr){
$phpMailer->addRecipientsTo(new EmailIdentity($to_addr, $to_addr));
foreach($Cc as $cc_addr){
$phpMailer->addRecipientsCc(new EmailIdentity($cc_addr, $cc_addr));
$phpMailer->addAttachment(new Attachment($attach));
}catch(MailerException $me) {
$message = $me->getMessage();
"SendGroupEmail: error sending e-mail (method: {$mailTransmissionProtocol}), (error: {$message})"
Hope this helps you find a solution that works for you!
This functionality is now available in the recent Q1 2022 release. You can read more about this functionality in the Application Guide.
Alex Nassi
Digital CX Operations Director