Are Non-Primary Email Addresses Reportable?

Following the instructions in the link below, we are able to use the Primary Email Address in reports linked to a record.

However, we'd like the ability to report both Primary, and Non-Primary email addresses linked to a record in Sugar Reports (version 7)

Is this possible, and if so, what documentation may we provide our clients in order to do so?

  • It's been over 9 years since this question was originally posted. Has there been any new development in this area to allow reporting on non-primary emails?

    if I manually export a record, I get a column with "Non-primary emails". I want to include that column in a report to verify ALL the emails we have for our people/contacts. But this column doesn't seem to be an option to select when creating reports.

    We need to verify that all the emails (including non-primary emails) were migrated properly.

  • It's been over 9 years since this question was originally posted. Has there been any new development in this area to allow reporting on non-primary emails?

    if I manually export a record, I get a column with "Non-primary emails". I want to include that column in a report to verify ALL the emails we have for our people/contacts. But this column doesn't seem to be an option to select when creating reports.

    We need to verify that all the emails (including non-primary emails) were migrated properly.

  • Hi  ,

    Unfortunately the option to report on non-primary email addresses on standard reports is not available.

    There is an internal Idea documented (#68555) which you could ask to get escalated via our Support Portal.

    In the meantime, you could get that information with a Custom Query in the Advanced Reports section (Reports -> Advanced Reports).

    The query would look something like this for the Contacts module:

    SELECT AS contact_id, c.first_name, c.last_name, primary_emails.email_address AS primary_email, GROUP_CONCAT(non_primary_emails.email_address SEPARATOR ';') AS non_primary_emails 
    FROM contacts c 
    LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr_primary 
    ON = eabr_primary.bean_id 
    AND eabr_primary.bean_module = 'Contacts' 
    AND eabr_primary.primary_address = 1 
    LEFT JOIN email_addresses primary_emails 
    ON eabr_primary.email_address_id = 
    LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr_non_primary 
    ON = eabr_non_primary.bean_id 
    AND eabr_non_primary.bean_module = 'Contacts' 
    AND eabr_non_primary.primary_address = 0 
    LEFT JOIN email_addresses non_primary_emails 
    ON eabr_non_primary.email_address_id = 
    GROUP BY, c.first_name, c.last_name, primary_emails.email_address 
    ORDER BY c.last_name, c.first_name;

    If you then create a Custom Data Format and use it to run your query, you will get something like this (image from a demo environment):

    I hope it helps but let me know if you have additional questions.


    Francesc del Moral