Can you have required fields before converting a lead

How do you set up required fields when Converting a lead to an opportunity.

Our sales team will need to have a few fields required before they can convert it to an opportunity.

However, we do not want these fields to be required in the Leads module when creating a lead - only when converting a lead.


  • Hello Monique,

    Could you specify the use case?
    In regards to generic Converting procedure - it is just creation of the Contacts and Opps in Sugar.
    Leads data is a source in this procedure and does not imply changes, while Contact and Opportunities fields should be populated within converting.

    Probably you are referencing to so-called Lead qualification procedure which means that at some particular stage of the lifecycle there is a need to check whether Lead data collected is sufficient for the further Lead processing 
    Hence no need to make fields required on the Lead data entering the stage either.
    Instead, I'd suggest configuring logic to check wither Lead data entered makes the Lead eligible for further converting and represent the result of qualification in the form of either custom Lead checkbox or a Lead status of "Qualified"
    Therefore, sales to initiate out-of-the-box converting procedure for the Leads with "Qualified" status
    If you have qualification criteria in written, drop me a line to and let's find out how to configure it in Sugar

    All the best, 


    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Monique,

    Recommend you make those fields that are required on lead conversion, required fields in the Opportunities Module. This will ensure that on conversion, those fields must be completed before the opportunity can be created. (Opportunities will need to be set as required on conversion, which is usually the case anyway).

    For example, lets say you have a Lead Field for Build Area that is not required in the Leads Module. Create the same field in the Opportunities Module with exactly the same name, but make it required in the Opportunities Module.

    On Lead Conversion, the system will try to copy Build Area from the Lead to the Opportunity which is good if the Lead had the data filled in even if it was not required. As the field is a required field in Opportunities it will appear and require completion before the Opportunity can be created. (the system will try to copy from the Lead if the Lead has a Build Area).

    If required, a workflow could be added to copy the Opportunity Build Area field back to the Lead.

    Hope that I understood the question correctly and this helps.


    Greg Barrass