Customer Journey Plug-in W/ Sugar Advanced Workflow


A lot of people I have been speaking with are not aware of the difference between Customer Journey Plug-in and Sugar Advanced Workflow, let alone how the power of integrating the two.

This is a post on how to integrate the Customer Journey Plug-in with Advanced Workflow. The beauty of working with plug-in is at the end of the day you are interacting with Sugar objects – tasks, meetings, and calls.

Completing a task in a Customer Journey triggers Sugar object action (task -> crm record)


  • Create a basic template that is compatible with the accounts module 
  • Create a custom field in the accounts module and add them to the layout (can be removed afterwards). Fieldname: “create a case”, type: checkbox

Objective: When the “Create a case” task is updated to completed status a case will be created


  1. Access the process definition module and create a new process under the task module and enter the design interface.
    1. The start event should have the following:

Applies to: Updated Records Only (First Update)

Criteria => Module: <Tasks> 

fields: Subject is “Create a case” AND Status is equal to “Completed”

          b. The start event connects to an activity:

Action type: Change Field

Settings: Module- Accounts

Fields: Select the “create a case” field and select the corresponding checkbox

          c. End Event

Result: Terminate Process

  1. Create a second process definition, this time under the accounts module and enter the design interface.
    1. The start event should have the following:

Applies to: Updated Records Only (First Update)

Criteria => Module: <Accounts>

Fields: Select the create a case checkbox    

           b. The start event connects to an activity:

Action type: Add a related record

Settings: Module- Cases

Fields: Assigned to: Regina Lazlow, Status: New, Subject: Test Case for

           c. End Event

Result: Terminate Process

Now when you create a Customer Journey on an accounts record and you complete “Create a case” task you will see the related case under a subpanel (you may have to reload your page”).

I want to point out that this example was for a case but the process can be abstracted to other Sugar objects.

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