We are using SugarCRM "POST" API call to insert into the modules,but we find out the performance of the Insert operation is too slow.
Is there any other API call we can use to increase the performance of the Insert Operation??
We are using SugarCRM "POST" API call to insert into the modules,but we find out the performance of the Insert operation is too slow.
Is there any other API call we can use to increase the performance of the Insert Operation??
Hi Anush,
which version of SugarCRM are you using?
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your quick response.
I'm using v10 API calls and my SugarCRM version is , SugarCRM Version (Build 9)
Hi Anush,
have a look at the PUT api call:
Cannot say if this helps for your specific case. You also might have a general performance problem. Do you host yourself or wiht Sugar On-Demand?
Hi Mark,
We are using "PUT" API call to update the records and "POST" API call to insert the record.
We are hosting it in SugarOn-Demand.
Scenario is :
I have written a JAVA program which will read data from .CSV file and writes into the SugarCRM .We are using "POST" API call to insert the records within the program.
Hi Anush,
you might also try to directly import your CSV content directly to SugarCRM:
This is a lot faster than through the API when you are dealing with big sets of data. What is the usage scenario here? Are you automating the CSV import or is this a manual process?
Hi Mark,
Not only from CSV,from any other sources(like other CRM systems),I want to load data to SugarCRM.
It should be a complete automation process,so i wanted to use API call rather than using CSV import or any other manual process.
Importing any meaningful amount of data into SugarOnDemand has been painful to say the least. Both SOAP and REST APIs are SLOW. I'm experiencing 3 seconds per record in the SOAP API and even longer in REST API. The import file feature may be faster, but you have to subdivide your import file, so now you're stuck managing that dog of a process.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed by SugarCRM. Without an efficient way to update your database, it will get stale and inaccurate. If anyone finds a better solution, I'd like to hear about it.
Hi Anush,
If you are inserting data using API make sure is there any big logic hook functions calling or maybe any recursive calling. I tried to use rest API for insert record and its taking only 902 ms insert single record. so you need to check logic hooks.
Sagar, thanks for the additional info. In my case, we have not modified the default sugarondemand logic hooks or defined any work flows. Are you referring to something we can enable/disable? What would we check?