"Assigned To" field level permission as Read Only.

I am currently working with version SugarCRM Enterprise, Version 8.0.1. 

Use Case:

Created the assigned to field level permission as read only under the accounts module. associated to a particular role.

I would expect an account to be created as normal, with the user who created the account, also populated into the "Assigned To" field. However this cannot be edited by anyone who has the same role (including the user who created the account).

Actual behaviour:

User connected to the role creates an account the assigned to field is null as opposed to read only. I would expect the assigned to as normal to be the user whom created the record and with read only selected like in other fields this cannot be edited.

Please advise?

  • Maybe I'm not understanding the situation clearly, but if I am correct "User A creates an Account, but they have Read-Only access to the "Assigned To" field.  Obviously, if they are Read-Only, they can't populate or modify that field.

    What I'd do is create a simple Workflow that has these steps:

    "Start new records only" / "Wait 2 Minutes" / Set "Assigned-To" = "Created By" / Exit

    Although multiple roles have read/write access to the Assigned and Teams fields, I have workflows that assign the Account / Contact to the Sales Rep and Set the Team to be equal to that sales territory.  I use two Business Rules, and I run them on every new record created.  This allows others to create new records but keeps the Accounts and Contacts assigned to the Sales Rep.

    P.S. OK, I also have the Business Rules run on updates to bypass creativity in the assignments :-)  

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)