Migration from Sugar On-Premise to On-Demand


I was looking for a strategy to migrate from Sugar On-Premise to Sugar On-Demand. 

The version of Sugar currently in use is Sugar 6.5 Pro. I would like to move this instance on Sugar Cloud.

Is there a way to do this without migrating the Sugar 6.5 to Sugar 7.x ?

Thank you for any suggestions!

Parents Reply
  • Yes, it is mandatory. There are a variety of reasons for this, but one of the primary reasons is that our cloud servers are on platforms that are not supported with 6.5 versions of Sugar. After a move to cloud, we will keep your instance on the most recent release of Sugar (currently Winter '18) moving forward so you will receive the latest in feature and security updates. We also have a variety of resources available through our Support and Training sites to help you and your team familiarize yourself with 7.x. 

    If you need assistance performing the upgrade to 7.9, there are also resources available from our partners and other channels to assist you with this, and we can help facilitate that conversation if needed.

    Alex Nassi
    Digital CX Operations Director
