I have created a custom module Called Department and added One to Many relationship with Accounts. Im unable to view Account column in cvs file after exporting via Department listview. Any one can please suggest the solution?
I have created a custom module Called Department and added One to Many relationship with Accounts. Im unable to view Account column in cvs file after exporting via Department listview. Any one can please suggest the solution?
Hi Lavanya MR,
what field are you exactly missing? The link to the account or fields from the accounts module?
On the export from listview you have no access to fields from other modules. Use a list and rows report instead which can also be exported to excel.
Bests regards
I want to export Account field which i have created relationship in Deparment.
EX: Consider below is the Department Listview.
Name | Account | Date Created | Date Modified |
Department1 | Account1 | 2018-06-29 | 2018-06-29 |
When i export data from listview, Account column and respective account records details missing in excel sheet. How do i retrieve this data in excel from listview?. Please let us know the solution.
FYI: Account field added automatically in Department when i create one to many relationship between Department and Account modules.
1. If you have a one-to-many or many-to-many realtionship from Departments to Accounts, the csv export cannot contain any account information as there can be many accounts related to the department.
2. If you have a many-to-one or one-to-one relationship from Departments to Accounts, the csv export does not contain the account infomation by default but you could use an export generated in the Reports module to export them.
If you are running CE or want to have in the default export of the other editions you must add a custom function "create_export_query" to your custom module to fill the related fields in the csv export.
3. If you create a related field in the departments module referring to the Accounts module the system will create the Account field in the export by default.
Harald Kuske
Principal Solution Architect – Professional Services, EMEA
SugarCRM Deutschland GmbH
Hi Harald,
I have downloaded the template from Import but in csv file, still Account Name is missing. Is there a way to mass upload Account details to Department module?
Which edition do you use?
Harald Kuske
Principal Solution Architect – Professional Services, EMEA
SugarCRM Deutschland GmbH
SugarCRM Professional V8.1.0.
OK so when the list view export only gives you the ID and you won't like to use reports to pull it from the accounts record you can use this option:
Create a textfield like I did it on the cases module on this screenshot. tick the "Calculated Value" checkbox and place the same formula on the editor and save.(how to: http://support.sugarcrm.com/Knowledge_Base/Studio_and_Module_Builder/Sugar_Logic/Sugar_Logic_Walkthrough_Related_Module_Formulas/ )
This field pulles the value from the accounts name field into the text field in your Department module. On creating a it will filled up automatically. On existing records you must perform any way of update / edit on each record to let this field be recalculated. Usually you can do this via listview but it depends on the amount of department records like in standart module Opportunities:
Once you have the Account name pulled into your custom field it will be included in the list view export as a raw text.
PS.: Sorry for answearing that late. I just forgot about this thread meanwhile.
Björn Canales Pfisterer
Technical Support Manager
provalida GmbH
1st possible solution:
So you have full access to the reports module.
Instead of exporting the records create a line/column report for your departments module.
Here you can set the conditions for the selection of the departments and via the module tree you have access to all fields of any related account.
2nd possible solution (just entered by BCP above)
Create the fields you need for the export like Account Name as custom fields and use the function "calculated field" to calculate them from related objects.
3rd possible solution:
Customization of the export routines - not necessary, too much effort.
Harald Kuske
Principal Solution Architect – Professional Services, EMEA
SugarCRM Deutschland GmbH
Good summary Harald!
I recommend to use the report. Easy way to use and you can check the data that will be exported to .cvs in the same format as displayed just by running the report.
Björn Canales Pfisterer
Technical Support Manager
provalida GmbH
Thanks both of you. The simplest thing what i have done is, just added a Account Name column to .csv file what i have imported from SugarCRM and imported the data. Its working as expected. I appreciated both of you.