Emojis, utf8:  What is the sugar roadmap?

Support emails are failing to be imported for us due to the new emoji's not being compatible with the limited character set in MySQL.  I have seen several other discussions on the topic with no clear consensus to the best way forward.  Bug 72456 being out there for several years and appears to be stale.  I raised a ticket with Support and received an answer akin to "a partner can help you figure something out."

Okay, so I have been in tough with a partner who is suggesting that we can move to the utf8mb4 charset in mysql.  Realizing that changing character sets on a database can have larger implications, I don't want to proceed only to later be forced to deal with other unintended consequences.

Does the Sugar team have an idea about what direction they are headed with respect to this?  Emoji's aren't going away and i cannot tolerate more missing emails/cases from customers.  Can we get a pseudo-official disposition on the best way to proceed?



  • We definitely recognize the increasing prevalence of emojis. To quote Rich, "It's nearing the end of the second decade of the third millennia. If people want to use poop emoji's in business, so be it."

    Updating the default MySQL database code page is at least part of the real solution but, as you noted, has some bigger implications which requires thorough testing. Another short term option is to deal with the pain point with e-mail import directly.

    I don't have a decision or plan to share yet but rest assured we are looking at it.

    App Ecosystem @ SugarCRM

  • We definitely recognize the increasing prevalence of emojis. To quote Rich, "It's nearing the end of the second decade of the third millennia. If people want to use poop emoji's in business, so be it."

    Updating the default MySQL database code page is at least part of the real solution but, as you noted, has some bigger implications which requires thorough testing. Another short term option is to deal with the pain point with e-mail import directly.

    I don't have a decision or plan to share yet but rest assured we are looking at it.

    App Ecosystem @ SugarCRM
