How to set currency field to have a blank default value?


I have been trying to set my currency values to default to blank, but they keep defaulting back to $0.00. Any way I can work around this? I'm using Sugar On-Demand Enterprise, version

Thanks in advance, 


  • Hi Raul Munoz 

    The default currency value is defined at clients/base/fields/currency/currency.js by the method format the way whenever the currency field value is null or empty it is set to 0, which is format to "0.00".

    If you want to globally set it as blank/empty then you need to extend the BaseCurrencyField (custom/clients/base/fields/currency/currency.js) and override the method format accordingly.

    But if you want to make this change to a specific set of currency fields so you can do that through SugarLogic formula at Studio.


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • Hi Raul Munoz 

    The default currency value is defined at clients/base/fields/currency/currency.js by the method format the way whenever the currency field value is null or empty it is set to 0, which is format to "0.00".

    If you want to globally set it as blank/empty then you need to extend the BaseCurrencyField (custom/clients/base/fields/currency/currency.js) and override the method format accordingly.

    But if you want to make this change to a specific set of currency fields so you can do that through SugarLogic formula at Studio.


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada