"Advanced" Workflow - Date field missing for timers

I've opened a case, but I'm wondering if anyone has seen this and also have the issue.  i've looked for a known defect and can't find one.

I have lots of Processes that use custom date fields in the Timers.  We're now running Enterprise 7.8.2 and the Date fields are no longer an option for timers - Only DateTime fields appear.

Parents Reply
  • DEFECT in "Advanced" Workflow.  Response to the Case that was opened this weekend:

    "Thank you for alerting us to this issue. I checked a few different versions and confirmed that the date fields were available within timers prior to 7.8, but as of version 7.8, they are no longer listed as available fields in the timers.

    I could not find an existing, known bug for this, so I created a new one, which is documented as defect #78616 - https://web.sugarcrm.com/support/issues/78616

    I also filed an escalation to our management team requesting that a fix for this bug be prioritized accordingly for a future release of the product."

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

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