It is possible to use custom Dashlets in Mobile Version 2.8.X in My Dashboard View?

Adding custom Dashlets in Web version does not change much the Mobile Version Dashlets options for "My Dashboard".  It's a default list of Dashlets on Mobile ( not editable )?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Brenda,

    Thanks for your reply. Yet I am constantly surprised by how "special" our customers seem to be. Most of them (at least those above 30 users) are expecting feature parity in the mobile app. Dashlets are intersting on the desktop (although they would need a bit of work IMHO), and it's a pity that the mobile version does not get them fully. 

    I'll follow your suggestion, though, and file a couple enhancement tickets. 

    Damien Pochon

    CRM & Digital consultant @ ITS4U Group

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