Process Author: Removal of module with a Process running

Hi all.

Ok, this is the scenario:

  • Ent 7.7.
  • A custom module (Fix 1.0) is installed.
  • A process made in Process Author (Advanced Workflow) based on the Fix 1.0 module (all new records with status x is the criteria of the workflow, then each records has a waiting period of 3 months before actions xyz is done and the process terminated).
  • Fix 1.0 is uninstalled but tables not deleted.

The question: Will the processes continue to run for those records already in the process (i.e. the records that were already starting the waiting period and then actions xyz) despite module Fix 1.0 was uninstalled?

The idea is (if the nothing brakes in the above scenario) is then to install an updated version of the module (Fix 2.0) and make a new process for it that new records from then on would be processed by.



  • I am going to say no, as when you uninstall a module it is no longer part of the beanlist and without a bean the Process Author should be able to load any data to process.  At best nothing should happen, well maybe some errors in the log, and at worst process author should fail in a fatal error, which would be a bug.  I am not sure which scenario it is as I haven't tested this yet but I can say with confidence that no data will be processed.

  • Thanks Kenneth Brill  So basically, it is fatal (i.e. all processes will stop one way or another) to this scenario to uninstall the module while records are in the process - if I understand you correctly.

  • Kristjan,

    I tested this scenario and this is what I found:

    1. I created a custom module, then created a process definition for that custom module.

    2. I triggered the process definition and saw that there is a pending process in Admin > Process Management. 

    3. I  uninstalled the module without removing the tables and data.

    - I saw once the module was uninstalled that all processes for this custom module were removed from Admin > Process Management.

    4. I ran cron to hit the Admin > Schedulers to trigger the wait events for Process Author.

    5. I then reinstalled the custom module.

    - In Admin > Process Management, the process that previously was "In Process" now shows "Completed" but the action did not trigger.

    Based on this, it looks like the pending processes will not be triggered and will show as completed when the module is reinstalled.

    Hope this helps!


  • A slight correction as I ran another quick test:

    In my tests, the time period had already passed when I triggered cron...  If the time period has not passed, when you reinstall the custom module, the processes will still show as "In Progress" and will trigger when the the time is reached.

    So, based on my research, it looks like the following 2 outcomes will occur:

    1. For records where wait events have already been reached, they will show as "Completed" but not trigger.
    2. For records where wait events have not been reached, they will show as "In Progress" and will trigger.  


  • Excellent thank you Lori F  So it seems that as long as the module is re-installed before the waiting period is over (i.e. a short period passes from uninstall until re-install), the process will function/trigger.

    Do we know what happens if "version 2" of this custom module is installed instead of re-installing the orginal version?

    I.e., will the process recognize version 2, "latch" onto it and show records as "In Progress" for those records where wait events have not been reached.

  • Kristjan,

    I am not sure I can give you a difinitive answer without knowing exactly what the changes will be to the module and/or to the new process definition.  I would expect that as long as the same fields are present in the updated module that are defined in the original Process Definition, that the "In Progress" records would adhere and trigger according to the original process definition criteria.


  • Hi again Lori

    1. I created a custom module, then created a process definition for that custom module.

    2. I triggered the process definition and saw that there is a pending process in Admin > Process Management. 

    3. I  uninstalled the module without removing the tables and data.

    - I saw once the module was uninstalled that all processes for this custom module were removed from Admin > Process Management.

    4. I then installed a changed (modified) version of the custom module.

    5. In Admin > Process Management, the process that previously was "In Process" was again "In Process" (since the wait time had not passed).

    So this seems to work for either a) re-install custom module and b) install of changed custom module - as long as the wait period of the process is not passed.

    Thanks so much for you help in clarifying this.
