SugarCRM 7  How can I re-render a multi enum?

I want to change the dropdown options on a multi-enum (descriptors) based on another dropdown (product).

Dependencies and visibility grids don't help here because they don't work on multienum (as far as I know).

I have gotten as far as changing the options property on the filed but it won't render the new list on change.

   extendsFrom: 'RecordView',     initialize: function(options){
      this._super('initialize', [options]);
      this.model.on('change:case_product_c', this.toggleDescriptors, this);
   render: function()
   toggleDescriptors : function(){
     var case_descriptor_c = this.model.fields['case_descriptor_c'],
     descriptor_dropdown = 'case_'+this.model.get('case_product_c').replace(' ','_') +'_descriptor_dd';
     case_descriptor_c.options = descriptor_dropdown;
The above code works to set the dropdown correctly when the page first loads (the dropdpwn contains the right items based on the selected product of the record being loaded), but when I change the product it changes the case_descriptor_c.options (I have verified this in the log) but not the actual values displayed (when I click in the box I get the old list again)...

I believe I have to render the field again, but I don't know how...
Any hints?

  • Hi FrancescaS,

    I don't know if this is the best solution but when i try and create dynamic dropdown option based on other fields in the view i would do something like this
    originalDDOption: null,
    initialize: function(opts){
      var newDDOption = null
         newDDOption = this.originalDDOption = _.clone(app.metadata._dev_data.app_list_strings['(list_dom_here)']);
      } else {
         newDDOption = _.clone(this.originalDDOption);
      //process your dropdown option list here
      app.metadata._dev_data.app_list_strings['(list_dom_here)'] = newDDOption;
      //i always keep a copy of my original dropdown option so that i could revert the option if needed
    Hope this helped in some ways
  • Hi Francesca, Hi Evil,
    the following line
    app.metadata._dev_data.app_list_strings['case_descriptor_dd'] = ddOptions
    override multiselect selectable data, but not really clean the selected data in case_descriptor_dd field.
    it means that when you set "A" in the DrobDown master field, choose "abc" and "def" in the MultiSelect slave field, than switch to "B" the master field, the MultiSelect still have "abc" and "def" selected (though not visible, since they do not belongs to the new ddOptions list... and the following form submit (or other master field switching) cause unwanted behaviours.

    how to do to really clean MultiSelect selected data?

    thank you,

  • Hi Francesca, Hi Evil,
    the following line
    app.metadata._dev_data.app_list_strings['case_descriptor_dd'] = ddOptions
    override multiselect selectable data, but not really clean the selected data in case_descriptor_dd field.
    it means that when you set "A" in the DrobDown master field, choose "abc" and "def" in the MultiSelect slave field, than switch to "B" the master field, the MultiSelect still have "abc" and "def" selected (though not visible, since they do not belongs to the new ddOptions list... and the following form submit (or other master field switching) cause unwanted behaviours.

    how to do to really clean MultiSelect selected data?

    thank you,

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