Add days to date Formula

I have this formula which adds days from Date Field A: addDays($date_a_c,259) . It gives me a date calced off of Date A and puts it to Date Field B. I need a formula which does this, unless Date Field D has a date, in which it should calc from field D.

I cant seem to figure it out. Can I get some pointers to which formula to use there? My rough idea is something like this: addDays($date_a_c, or(addDays($date_d_c,259)) , but of course this doesnt work.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Can u please help me to built a formula in which i want to show the value of field due date on the basis of the filed category(A drop down with the value Hot,Warm,Cold)

    I want to check if the value of category = Hot, then due date(by default populate value)= today + 1 days

    if the value of category = Warm, then due date(by default populate value)= today + 3 days

    if the value of category = Cold, then due date(by default populate value) = today + 5 days

    And also user can change the due date manually.

    Please reply ASAP
