Show dropdown button for Opportunities subpanel in Account


In Sugar 7, if we enter to the record view of an account, in the opportunities subpanel, it is disabled the dropdown button to choose existing opportunities.

How I could enable it? (I have seen ./modules/Accounts/clients/base/layouts/subpanels/subpanels.php, but there isn't any 'override_paneltop_view' property) 

Thank you very much.

Kind Regards,
Rubén Recacha
Consultant REDK Software Engineering
  • Hi Ruben,

    There could be an important reason why Sugar disabled the "link-action" for the Opportunities subpanel under Accounts module. Note that "Accounts" is a required field in Opportunity module.

    If you really wish to enable it, your can add a custom "link-action" field under Opportunities and update the function "isDisabled". The current implementation, disables the "link-action" when the parent module is required on the target module.
