Set up of dependency between multiple drop-downs and one textfield.


I would like to set up the following:

     1. Let´s say I have 3 drop-down lists of which "other" is one of the values

     2. If "other" is selected for drop-down 1, 2, or 3 I would like to see a textfield becoming mandatory

I know I have to put in the following formula in "dependent" for the textfield to make it work for one drop-down:


But is there also a chance to extent this formula so that I don´t need to create three textfields but can combine this in one.

That means no matter from which dropdown I choose "other" this one textfield becomes available.

Many thanks for your support!

  • Hi Anna Osanmaz,

    You can indeed make this single field appear as long as any of the 3 Dropdowns have "Other" selected. In this instance you would have to use the "Or" function so that you can tell the system to show the field if any of them are set to "Other". If you hover over the function when in Formula Builder then it should give you an example of this.

    Additionally your formula above, although what you have done is good in your instance you could get away with equal($dropdown1,"Other") as you are only ever looking at one value. I personally only use the isInList function when I want the field to be dependant on many options for that one field.

  • Hi Anna Osanmaz,

    You can indeed make this single field appear as long as any of the 3 Dropdowns have "Other" selected. In this instance you would have to use the "Or" function so that you can tell the system to show the field if any of them are set to "Other". If you hover over the function when in Formula Builder then it should give you an example of this.

    Additionally your formula above, although what you have done is good in your instance you could get away with equal($dropdown1,"Other") as you are only ever looking at one value. I personally only use the isInList function when I want the field to be dependant on many options for that one field.
